Personalized Printing and Database Marketing
Every business has data. From customer behavior (last purchase date, preferred colors, seasonal buying trends) to personal data (birthday, gender, age), your business has very useful data that can be leveraged to dramatically increase your direct marketing response rates. Our data experts can convert this information into sophisticated, highly versioned and personalized direct mail pieces, supporting the concept of persona based marketing.
Personalization - also known as 1:1 (one-to-one) marketing - is used to send the right message, to the right prospect, at precisely the right time in the buying cycle. This is proven to dramatically lift response rates and increase sales.
Change Messaging, Colors, Images . . . Even Complete Layouts
Personalization is the use of Variable Data Printing (VDP) to drill down to specific marketing appeal to each individual. Doing so dramatically lifts response rates and your return on investment. If you can move the needle even just a few percentage points regarding response and conversions, you can quickly recapture your marketing spend and this leveraging will then exponentially increase your business revenue.

Variable Maps
For retail, restaurants, banks and service businesses, proximity counts. Adding a personalized map, showing the addressee the fastest driving route to your door, has been shown to increase response rates up to 40%. We can also show the distance and drive time as well, for a highly personalized, visual reminder of how easily your prospect can use your services.
In the sample image below, the mailer is sent to the family by name; the map is personalized to their home address showing the route to the closest branch; and the branch manager's photo, name and signature are printed to match the particular chosen branch.

Real-Time Graphs, Charts and Financial Data
The beauty of variable data printing is that it happens real-time. As the press lays down an impression, data is fed directly from the file, changing the image with each press pass. This is particularly useful with financial data reporting. Monthly or quarterly statements, benefits charting . . . these types of reports are ideally suited to VDP.
Personalized Images
Marketers fight all day long for your attention. With all this marketing 'noise' happening all around you, it takes some creative panache to break through and get noticed. Well, we have a pretty cool solution! Personalized images. Think of it as Photoshop and data's love child. The sweetest word in everybody's vocabulary is their own name (and there's research that supports this). Accuprint can creatively embed your prospect's name into an image that aligns with your marketing message. Their eyes will be drawn, and their eyes will stay fixed. They'll smile. They'll show other people. And they'll probably hold onto it for a bit, to look at again and again. Your branding and messaging will be there, front and center, with each look. There's marketing magic in that.

We Can Even Personalize Email!
If you are doing any type of email marketing, you know about adding your recipient's name to the email. Or maybe the business name. But what if you could creatively incorporate a personalized image like those above? Imagine how that would drive open rates and create buzz around your marketing communications. Accuprint can do this for you, and so much more. Contact us today to learn more about how personalization can drive your marketing results and lift your return on investment.